Support the Arts

Support the arts in our community by getting involved with River Clay! River Clay is dedicated to promoting and assisting local artists and arts organizations, while also encouraging residents and visitors to engage with the arts. Contributions of money and time are greatly appreciated from individuals, businesses, foundations, and community organizations. Discover more about our opportunities for giving below.

Ways to Support River Clay

Donate to River Clay


Every River Clay festival and arts education initiative is supported by a committed community of donors at various levels. Your donations enable us to engage and inspire our community through the transformative impact of the arts. You can contribute to River Clay online using the button below.

Make A Donation


The River Clay Fine Arts Festival is coordinated by a board of directors, a steering committee and, most importantly, enthusiastic volunteers.

We are looking for fun, energetic people 16 years old and up to join our volunteer corp! Sign up with the Volunteer Center of Morgan County below.

Sign Up Coming Soon
Volunteer at River Clay